Draw an Label Animal Cell

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Post on 21-May-2015


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  • 1. Biology I Mr. Nettles

2. Agenda- Wed., Aug. 31, 2011

  • Test Corrections/Plant Sketch 15 min
  • Reviewing the Test/Test Strategy 20 min
  • Discuss Projects/Choose Topic 5 min
  • Finish Yesterdays Assignments 25 min

3. Todays Objectives

  • I will identify the organelles in plant and animal cells.
  • I will articulate the function of organelles in plant and animal cells.

4. Test Corrections

  • Use your notes to correct the problems that are marked incorrect on your test.
  • You may work in groups or collaborate to make test corrections.
  • Test corrections must be turned inNOW!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!
  • By turning in test corrections, you will earnup to 10 percentage pointsto your score!!

5. Sketching the Plant Cell

  • You will sketch a drawing of the plant cell on the next slide.
  • You will label the following organelles:
    • Vacuole, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Ribosomes
    • Golgi Apparatus, Endoplasmic Reticulum
    • Plasma Membrane (same as Cell Membrane)
    • Nucleus, Nucleolus, Cytoplasm
    • Peroxisome (similar to a lysosome), Cell Wall
  • On a separate sheet of paper, you will use your notes to create a chart, listing the function of each organelle.

6. 7. Test Strategy

  • Read the question only and cover up the answer choices.
  • Write down the first thought or answer that comes to your mind.
  • Read through all the answer choices and strike out the ones that dont match your first thought.
  • With the remaining answer choices, look for key words and underline them.
  • Choose the best answer based on logic and process of elimination.

8. Cell Projects

  • Analogy Collage :
    • Draw a typical plant or animal cell on a small (6" X 8") piece of drawing paper.
    • Paste the drawing in the center of a large sheet of construction paper or a small poster.
    • Draw pointers or arrows from the cell structures leading to pictures cut from magazines or newspapers.
    • Write a functional analogy expressed in the your own words that describes the relationship between the picture and cell structure.
      • For example : If you had an arrow pointing from the Golgi Apparatus to a picture of a UPS truck, your analogy could be written like this:The Golgi Apparatus packages and transports organelles like UPS packages and transports computers for Dell.

9. Cell Projects

  • Rap or Song:
    • Using the information that youve learned about animal and plant cells, create a rap or song.
    • You can rap or sing about many topics including:
      • an organelle and its function
      • the differences between organelles
      • the similarities between organelles
      • or any other APPROVED topic
    • Your rap or song must have at least two verses and a hook (or chorus). You can have more than two verses if you would like. I dont wont to limit your creativity.
    • Raps and Songs cannot include any explicit lyrics. In other words, NO CURSING.

10. Cell Projects

  • Poem:
    • Using the information that youve learned about animal and plant cells, create a poem.
    • Your poem must be at least be 10 lines (or verses).
    • Refer to the topics list in #2.
  • Mini-Essay:
    • Using the information that youve learned about animal and plant cells, write a mini-essay
    • The essay must be at least three paragraphs, and each paragraph must have at least five sentences.
    • Refer to the topics list in #2.


  • ALL WORK from yesterdaymust be turned in no later than tomorrowand will serve as a mini-quiz grade!!
    • This is meant to help you improve your overall quiz grade!!
  • PLANT CELL and ANIMAL CELL sketches will be worth 25% of your mini-quiz grade for Friday!!
  • TOMORROW will be dedicated to completing the ANIMAL CELL sketch and beginning your projects.

12. Biology I Mr. Nettles 13. Agenda- Thurs., Sept. 1, 2011

  • Review Animal Cell Organelles 10 min
  • Sketch and Label the Animal Cell 30 min
  • Begin Projects 20 min

14. Todays Objectives

  • I will identify the organelles in plant and animal cells.
  • I will articulate the function of organelles in plant and animal cells.

15. Sketching the Animal Cell

  • You will sketch a drawing of the animal cell on the next slide.
  • You will label the following organelles:
    • Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Nucleolus
    • Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth and rough)
      • Smooth ER = no ribosomes, Rough ER = has ribosomes
    • Ribosomes (two locations = in the cytoplasm and on the rough ER)
    • Golgi Body (also called Golgi Apparatus)
    • Vacuole, Mitochondria, Lysosomes
    • Centrosome(thecentrioleis a smaller part of the centrosome)
  • On a separate sheet of paper, you will use your notes to create a chart, listing the function of each organelle.

16. 17. Tomorrows Mini-Quiz

  • Remember to study your sketches and charts for tomorrows Mini-Quiz!!
  • You will turn in both sketches and charts tomorrow before your Mini-Quiz. These will be worth25%of tomorrows quiz grade!
  • You will be responsible for knowing the functions of all organelles within plant and animal cells.
    • Remember thatcentriolesare only found inanimal cells .
    • Remember that thecell wall and chloroplastsare only found inplant cells .

Draw an Label Animal Cell

Source: https://vdocuments.mx/label-animal-cell.html

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