what does it mean to be priss face



determiner used before a atypical n

a used preceding a noun that has been mentioned at some time or is understood
that idea of yours

b (as pronoun)
don't swallow that, that's what I mean

a used preceding a noun that denotes something more remote or removed
that clothes is cheaper than this one, that edifice over there is for sale

b (equally pronoun)
that is John and this is his married woman, give me that Compare this

3 used to refer to something that is familiar
that old chap from across the street

4 and (all) that
Informal everything connected with the bailiwick mentioned
he knows a lot virtually building and that

5 at that completive-intensive additionally, all things considered, or nevertheless
he's a pleasant beau at that, I might decide to go at that

a with ease; effortlessly
he gave me the answer just like that

b of such a nature, character, etc.
he paid for all our tickets — he's similar that

8 that's more than like it that is ameliorate, an improvement, etc.

9 that's that there is no more to be washed, discussed, etc.

10 with (or at) that thereupon; having said or washed that
conj subordinating

11 used to introduce a noun clause
I believe that you lot'll come

12 (Too) so that, in gild that used to introduce a clause of purpose
they fought that others might have peace

13 used to introduce a clause of consequence
he laughed so difficult that he cried

14 used to innovate a clause after an understood sentence expressing desire, indignation, or amazement
oh, that I had never lived!

fifteen used with adjectives or adverbs to reinforce the specification of a precise caste already mentioned
become only that fast and y'all should be prophylactic

16 (Also) all that usually used with a negative
Breezy (intensifier)
he wasn't that upset at the news

17 Dialect (intensifier)
the cat was that weak later on the fight

18 used to introduce a restrictive relative clause
the book that we desire

19 used to introduce a clause with the verb to be to emphasize the extent to which the preceding noun is applicable
genius that she is, she outwitted the computer
(Old English thæt; related to Onetime Frisian thet, Old Norse, Old Saxon that, Old High german daz, Greek to, Latin istud, Sanskrit tad)
Precise stylists maintain a distinction between that and which: that is used as a relative pronoun in restrictive clauses and which in nonrestrictive clauses. In the book that is on the tabular array is mine, the clause that is on the table is used to distinguish one detail book (the one on the table) from some other or others (which may exist anywhere, simply not on the tabular array). In the book, which is on the tabular array, is mine, the which clause is merely descriptive or incidental. The more than formal the level of language, the more of import it is to preserve the distinction between the 2 relative pronouns; just in informal or colloquial usage, the words are often used interchangeably

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superlative that!


You lot say 'top that!' when you lot have achieved something and you lot want to challenge other people to do meliorate

I know 4 celebrities - top that!

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that ship has sailed


expression used to describe a lost opportunity or something that is unlikely to happen in the current circumstances

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drug that produces mydriasis

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dating partner

due north.

person that you date

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become down that road


face a specific state of affairs; act in a certain mode

E.thou.: John went out of rehab a few days ago and he is determined to not become down that route over again.

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morale heave, morale booster


something that improves morale

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making something known that was secret

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You tin can say that again!


expression used to show full agreement on smth.

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confront that people are showing during orgasm


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say publicly that something should be done

I never abet my opinion because I am shy to speak in front of many people.

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cut sth loose


to release sth that is tied up

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device that holds a book while reading it

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an element that has a unmarried dominating theme

for instance : having a theme that continues through more than one move of a musical composition

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the part of philosophy that deals with cognition

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poisonous gas that pollutes the air in coal mines

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due north.

an old implement that was used for washing apparel

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blue moon


expression used to designate something that happens very rarely

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trophy wife


attractive adult female that yous marry to show your success

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very newborn


a baby that is less than 2 weeks onetime

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Source: https://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/that+Waverly+priss-ass

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