Funny I Run From My Problems Quotes

If you're a runner, you've got to take some time to chuckle at these funny running quotes. Embrace the pain or pleasure that comes with the territory of getting strong and fit.

Everyone goes through the pain of running when they first begin or finish their first big race, but every runner learns to love the sport and find a way to carry on. Soon that half marathon turns into a 7-day stage race!

As you grit your teeth through the pain of the difficult moments, remember these 30 funny running sayings to lighten the mood and carry you through.

  • Related: 20 Running Motivation Quotes
our 30 favorite funny running quotes

Clever Running Quotes For Your Kitchen Sign

Get these sayings printed out on a sign and hang them up in your kitchen, your office, or on a t-shirt.


There are many challenges to long-distance running, but one of the greatest is the question of where to put one's house keys.

– Gabrielle Zevin


Step one to running a marathon: You run. There is no step two.

-Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)


Running a marathon takes balls, other sports just play with them.


Runners don't die. They only smell like it.

If you've ever come home with clothes soaked through, turning them into a deeper shade of the color they once were, that last one's for you!

30 top funny running quotes

Funny Running Quotes For the Reluctant Runner

The early stages of running (or recovery) are certainly the hardest part. You may not have gotten the chance to see real progress or felt the satisfaction of crossing a finish line.

But you're nothing if not dedicated. Come what may, you'll be out there sweating away until you reach your goal. You're the select few who make it past the beginning stage and enter into the realm of running for fun.

If you're still learning to love running, you'll appreciate this list more than others.

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The trouble with jogging is that, by the time you realize you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back.

– Franklin P. Jones


After an hour on the treadmill…

What year is it?


Please ignore the faces I make while running.


I didn't train all that time just to come here and get it over with as fast as I can.

-John Bingham


My doctor told me that running could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already.

– Milton Berle


I may run at the speed of turtles swimming through peanut butter. But I run.


There is magic in misery. Just ask any runner.

– Dean Karnazes

  • Related: The 18 Best Running Mantras To Keep You Going
30 top funny running quotes

Running Sayings For Food Lovers

While running has many benefits, it is an effective way to lose weight. For those who master the art of the calorie deficit, they find running to be a great way to shed some unwanted pounds.

However, for the marathon runners, running and food becomes a whole new relationship. When you are burning 1,000+ calories per run, it's hard to keep up with the hunger you feel after a run.

If you're like me, you love nothing better than a post-run beer and burrito…or even a whole pizza.


Every pizza is a personal pizza if you're marathon training.


Run? I thought they said rum!


I love to run because I love to eat.


The only time I run is chasing after the ice cream truck.

These quotes making 'chasing after your dreams' take on a whole new meaning.

Related: Nude Running – 12 Things You Didn't Know You Needed To Know

30 top funny running quotes

Are You Running For Social Media?

Running apps and social media are excellent running motivators. They build community and competition with other runners and sometimes incentivize you to get up and run when that alarm rings.

Don't take the next 3 quotes the wrong way. You should always celebrate your wins, especially on the long runs.


I'm only doing this so I can post about it on Facebook.


To be healthy you need to eat right, go for a run, and post about it on Facebook.


Thank god for Facebook. Or I'd have to call 550 people to tell them I ran today.

If your friends are rolling their eyes at a few too many social media run brags, just remember: they're probably jealous.

Our 30 Favorite Funny Running Quotes, For Every Occasion 1

The Best Running Pickup Lines

Who doesn't love a good pickup line? Let's just say…no one!

I don't recommend pickup lines to find the love of your life. At the same time, we've all got a story or two of a really cheezy one someone tried on us.

The next time you're on a group run, see how your group feels about these pickup lines, tailored just for runners.  Pickup lines count as funny running quotes!


You must be tired… because you've been running through my mind all day.


Is your name Charity? Because my heart is racing for you!


Is this the registration table? Because I need a number from you.


I just read an article for "10 Most Scenic Runs," and you were first on the list.

30 top funny running quotes

Funny Running Sayings For the Witty, Introverted Runner

Introverts often love and excel at running over extroverts. Not needing a buddy to inspire us, we can just plug in our headphones and tune out the world, simultaneously enjoying the runner's high and the gorgeous scenery.

Running is a great way to work through stress or difficult decisions since the fresh air and exercise clear your head, while the length of time and solitude gives a chance to process life's great mysteries.

Here's some of our favorite funny running quotes for introverts!


I'm introverted, but willing to discuss running.


I've got 99 problems, so I went on a run to ignore them all.


I like my morning run more than I like most people.


You think I'm crazy if I run? You'd SEE crazy if I didn't run!


A good run is like a cup of coffee. I'm much nicer after I've had one.

Our 30 Favorite Funny Running Quotes, For Every Occasion 2

We all know we need our alone time to gather energy before interacting with other people! What better way to do that than on a run?

Marathon Quotes, Funny Running Quotes For the Overachievers

Do you live for the thrill of the finish line? Do you thrive on pushing through the pain, knowing you're about to reach your goal? Are you a competitive runner, always exceeding your own limits? Then you'll get a kick out of these.


It's a hill. Get over it.


Me during running: Make it stop!

Me after running: Sign me up for the Olympics!


Most people won't even drive 13 miles today!

Some runners pep themselves up on a run with some no-nonsense like the final 3 running quotes. And when you're feet hurt, your muscles are sore, and your body is screaming at you, those last 3 quotes can feel like a welcome splash of cold water in the face.

While we certainly joke about the challenges of running, we all keep doing it for a reason. There's no better feeling than the rush of energy when you feel your strong body successfully make it over a giant hill.

There's no greater joy than that medal being hung around your neck and hearing your name called as you finish your race.

our favorite funny running quotes

We hope you've enjoyed our selection of our favorite funny running quotes!

Looking for more running humour?

Check out our 22 favorite funny running memes!

The best part about that feeling is knowing how much work you put into your training. Whether you're training for a 5K or an ultramarathon, you put in the time, the effort, and the diet to get yourself to that place.

If you've never run a race and you're reading these quotes, feeling like you want to be a part of the club, there's no better time to get started!

We've got a wide variety of free training plans for all running levels. For the beginner, I recommend the couch to half marathon, which gets you from zero miles to 13.1!

As you get started with your plan, remember this:

Even if you fall flat on your face, at least you're moving forward.

Mia Kercher

Mia Kercher is a hiker, cyclist, and runner. After finishing her first marathon in 2013, she continued the sport but found a new passion in trail running. She now explores the glorious mountains in Portland, Oregon where she works as co-founder of Evoke.


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